39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310

4 / 2 / - / 1258 m2

在这里您可以找到您需要知道的信息 39 Park Drive ,包括其约略价值、既往出售记录,甚至包括预估的每周租金。 您还可以浏览待售的类似独栋房屋和公寓和售价,以下有关信息:Ambleside, TAS

Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310
Property photo of 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310


39 Park Drive 预估价值

$700,000 - $750,000

About Estimated Values

An automated valuation model estimate (AVM Estimate) is a statistically derived estimate of the value of the subject property. An AVM Estimate is generated (i)by a computer driven mathematical model in reliance on available data; (ii) without the physical inspection of the subject property; (iii) without taking into account any market conditions (including building, planning, or economic), and/or (iv) without identifying observable features or risks (including adverse environmental issues, state of repair, improvements, renovations, aesthetics, views or aspect) which may, together or separately, affect the value.

An AVM Estimate is current only at the date of publication or supply. An AVM Estimate must not be relied upon as a professional valuation or an accurate representation of the market value of the subject property as determined by a valuer. CoreLogic expressly excludes any warranties and representations that an AVM Estimate is an accurate representation as to the market value of the subject property.

To the full extent permitted by law, CoreLogic excludes all liability for any loss or damage howsoever arising or suffered by the recipient, whether as a result of the recipient''s reliance on the accuracy of an AVM Estimate or otherwise arising in connection with an AVM Estimate.
中等 可信度预估

最近一次售出日期为 $749,500,售价为 19 Sep 2022

物业销售类型: Unknown

该计算是一种每周按揭还款预估,利用预估地产价值和30年贷款期及比率为20%的按揭贷款计算得出。 采用的利率是四大银行的标准可变利率的平均值。 该工具仅是对您每周可能需要支付的贷款还款的指南,并未考虑您的个人情况(例如,您的借贷能力、贷方的住宅贷款产品特征、按揭的期限等),并且未涵盖您在购买地产时可能适用的全部手续费和应付费用。 您的实际每周支付的抵押还款可能会与此不同。 在基于这一计算结果采取行动之前,您应当寻求专业意见。
高 保密

中等 保密


  • Above market cashflow potential
  • Cheaper than comparable properties
  • Low risk of losing value
  • Slower growth than market average


查看该地产在不同的投资策略中的评级。 了解更多详情


每处地产都会根据与地产相关的一个因素及与地产所在郊区相关的一个因素,在满分为100分的基础上进行评分。 每个因数都有一个特定加权。


This property National
Manly, NSW National

投资者评分是电脑生成的,因而不应被视为关于投资住宅地产的个人或一般建议。 不应依赖上述评分——寻求购买或出售住宅地产的人员务应寻求合适的专业意见。 用于开发评分的方法取决于地产数据的可用性,以及一些假设和估计。

每处地产都会根据与地产相关的一个因素及与地产所在郊区相关的三个因素,在满分为100分的基础上进行评分。 每个因数都有一个特定加权。


This property National
Manly, NSW National

投资者评分是电脑生成的,因而不应被视为关于投资住宅地产的个人或一般建议。 不应依赖上述评分——寻求购买或出售住宅地产的人员务应寻求合适的专业意见。 用于开发评分的方法取决于地产数据的可用性,以及一些假设和估计。

每处地产都会根据与地产相关的两个因素及与地产所在郊区相关的三个因素,在满分为100分的基础上进行评分。 每个因数都有一个特定加权。

评分较高就表示该地产在较长一段时间内得到了价值增长,因此其仅受近期市场影响的可能性较小。 该地产还可能会收取高于平均水平的租金,并因此吸引高收入房客。 此外,由于其所在郊区的市场健康指数强劲,将来该地产可能更容易售出。

This property National
Manly, NSW National

投资者评分是电脑生成的,因而不应被视为关于投资住宅地产的个人或一般建议。 不应依赖上述评分——寻求购买或出售住宅地产的人员务应寻求合适的专业意见。 用于开发评分的方法取决于地产数据的可用性,以及一些假设和估计。



卧室 4
浴室 2
车位 -
土地面积 1258 m2
建筑面积 219 m2
房屋类型 House: One Storey / Lowset
政府地段 Devonport
建造年份 1981
区段 n/a
地块/计划 1610671 Ambleside TAS
地产类型 独栋房屋

上次上市描述 (October 2023)

Every room in the house has a northly view and the outlook is spectacular with all the farming paddocks chequered in colour, an ever-changing landscape. Set on 1258m2 of land this solid brick home offers 4 bedrooms all good sizes, 4thbed is downstairs and the main bedroom has a tastefully renovated ensuite and walk-in robe. The large open plan kitchen/living area is very inviting and homely, the original kitchen not only provides plenty of cupboards it also has a huge walk-in pantry. This whole area is heated via electric, wood or floor heating. The separate formal dining room is lovely and sunny that flows through into the sunken lounge. The spacious lounge is heated by a Pureheat electric heater and you have access to the large full-length verandah from here. The passage area that leads to the bedrooms is lovely and bright all thanks to the high windows allowing the natural light to stream through.Off this area you will find the generous size laundry, newly renovated separate toilet and bathroom. Utilising every bit of space, you will find more storage area at the bottom of the stairwell, this also leads to bed 4 plus internal access to the single garage with 3 phase power. From the front of the home you will find the established trees and large brick fence encourages privacy. The double gate directs you to the double carport and a well fenced yard, veggie patch, chook pen and more established trees throughout the back yard. This property really is in a great private location with only 1 neighbour and surrounding paddocks it's sure to capture your attention.


升级至高级会员 查看该地产的可用记录。 了解更多详情





State Auction Clearance Rates



Ambleside, TAS 7310

No data available 部分: Devonport 理事会


浏览 Ambleside 郊区资料 View properties in Ambleside


Demographic data provided
by Australian Bureau of Statistics


46 Park Drive  3/ 2/ 5 Last sold on 22 Feb 2021
81 River Road  4/ 1/ 2 Last sold on 2 Jan 2019
3 Charra St  3/ 2/ 2 Last sold on 9 Jan 2018
Here you can find everything you need to know about 39 Park Drive, including the property sale history and estimated market value as well as insights into Park Drive and Ambleside 39 Park Drive Ambleside TAS 7310