Lot 356 Greenway Esplanade Woollamia NSW 2540

- / - / - / 744 m2

Here you can find what you need to know about lot 356 Greenway Esplanade , including how much it's approximately worth, a history of what it has previously sold for and even the estimated weekly rent. You can also view comparable house and unit for sale and sold prices, information about Woollamia, NSW and much more.

Property Insights

Lot 356 Greenway Esplanade Estimated Value

How do we calculate the Estimated Value?
Estimated Values or Automated Value Models (AVMs) are calculated using many different types of property and local market data. No one piece of information or factor alone will determine a property's value. Instead, CoreLogic AVMs use a broad range of data elements, including:
  • Property identifying information including address and/or assessor's parcel number and owner name
  • Prior sales of the property
  • Living area/square metres floor space
  • Year built
  • Number of bedrooms
  • Number of bathrooms
  • Lot size
  • Public record information collected from state and council records, such as deed transfers
  • Recent sales and listings of similar properties in the local market area
  • Area pricing trends

About Estimated Values

This calculation is an estimate of weekly mortgage repayments using the estimated property value and a 20% deposit over a 30 year term. The interest rate applied is the average of the big 4 bank's Standard Variable Rates. This tool is only a guide of what your weekly mortgage repayments might be and does not take into account your personal circumstances such as your borrowing power, the lender's home loan product features, the term of any mortgage and does not include all applicable fees and charges that might be applied if you purchase a property. Your actual weekly mortgage repayments may be different. Before acting on this calculation you should seek professional advice.
Estimate Unavailable
Gross Yield
Example Only
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Upgrade to Premium to view pros and cons for this property

Pros & Cons

Things to like
  • Above market cashflow potential
  • Cheaper than comparable properties
  • Low risk of losing value
Things to look out for
  • Slower growth than market average

Investment Strategy Scores

See how this property rates against different investment strategies. Learn more

Example Only
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How we calculate the property Cashflow Score

Each property is given a score out of 100 based on one factor relating to the specific property and one factor relating to the suburb in which the property is located in. Each factor has a specific weighting.

A higher score indicates the property has higher than average estimated gross yield and is located in a suburb with similarly high yielding properties.

This property National
Gross Yield
Manly, NSW National
Gross Yield

Investor Scores are computer generated and should not be regarded as personal or general advice about investing in residential property. They should not be relied on as such — persons seeking to buy or sell residential property should always seek appropriate professional advice. The methodology used to develop the Scores depends on the availability of property data and also depends on certain assumptions and estimates.
How we calculate the property Capital Growth Score

Each property is given a score out of 100 based on one factor relating to the specific property and three factors relating to the suburb in which the property is located in. Each factor has a specific weighting.

A higher score indicates the property has recently experienced significant capital growth and the short term outlook for further growth is likely to be good given strong market health indicators.

This property National
Change in Property
Value (1 yr)
Manly, NSW National
Change in Median
Price (1 yr)
Average Days
on Market
Average Vendor

Investor Scores are computer generated and should not be regarded as personal or general advice about investing in residential property. They should not be relied on as such — persons seeking to buy or sell residential property should always seek appropriate professional advice. The methodology used to develop the Scores depends on the availability of property data and also depends on certain assumptions and estimates.
How we calculate the property Lower Risk Score

Each property is given a score out of 100 based on two factors relating to the specific property and three factors relating to the suburb in which the property is located in. Each factor has a specific weighting.

A higher score indicates the property has increased in value over a longer period so is less likely to only be due to recent market forces. It is also likely to command higher rent than average and therefore attract higher income tenants. Furthermore, it is likely to be easier to sell in the future due to strong market health indicators in the suburb it is located in.

This property National
Change in Property
Value (5 yr)
Estimated weekly
Manly, NSW National
Average Days
on Market
Change in Median
Price (5 yr)
Average Vendor

Investor Scores are computer generated and should not be regarded as personal or general advice about investing in residential property. They should not be relied on as such — persons seeking to buy or sell residential property should always seek appropriate professional advice. The methodology used to develop the Scores depends on the availability of property data and also depends on certain assumptions and estimates.

About this Property


Bedrooms -
Bathrooms -
Car Spaces -
Land Size 744 m2
Floor Area 149 m2
House Type House
Council Area Shoalhaven
Year Built n/a
Zone Non Urban
Lot/Plan 356/DP27575 Woollamia NSW
Property Type House

Property Timeline

No history available for this property
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State Auction Clearance Rates


Suburb Insights

Woollamia, NSW 2540

No data available Part of: Shoalhaven Council

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Demographic data provided
by Australian Bureau of Statistics

People also viewed

Greenway Esplanade  -/ -/ - Last sold on 24 Dec 2001
Here you can find everything you need to know about Lot 356 Greenway Esplanade, including the property sale history and estimated market value as well as insights into Greenway Esplanade and Woollamia LOT 356 Greenway Esplanade Woollamia NSW 2540